
Oil Resistant PVC pellets Aniti Microbial Anti Fungal for Extruded Products

Very Perfect Performance Oil Resistant PVC pellets Aniti Microbial Anti Fungal



Laboratory Measured Value

Performance Value Unit
Elongation Break 200 %
Low Temperature Resistance -23
High Temperature Resistance 65
Specific Gravity 1.4 g/cm3
Aniti Microbial and Fungal Very Excellent
Oil Resistant Type

Gasoline,Diesel,Engine Oil,Butter,Paint

Waterproof Or Not Waterproof,Hydrolysis Resistant
Hardness 75 Shore A
Environmental Protection Type REACH,ROHS,N-36P
Drying Temperature 60-80(Not Need BakingMaterial)
Drying Time 30-60(Not Need BakingMaterial) min
Refer Extrusion Temperature 140-190

The above values are representative values. Determined according to the experimental standard. The information based on our experimental data, the data not apply to different conditions. The above list is only the basic information of the product, not the product specification.

Welcome to contact us for more information.