
医療用PVCコンパウンド ペレット 高透明度,高い流動性

医療用PVCコンパウンド ペレット 高透明度,high fluidity PVC Compounds Pelltes Medical PVC pellets, 硬質麻酔マスク用の透明な押出成形または射出 PVC ペレット,soft madical tube High transparency,高い流動性,高温耐性。多くの利点 医療用 PVC 押出または射出コンパウンド. 熱変形温度が上記以上に達する豊富な経験 67 摂氏, 国内業界基準を大幅に上回る, 非常に優れた医療製品の性能! ETO滅菌に完全対応,ABS素材を非常によく置き換えます,射出成形部品に広く使用されています,接続機器, 一方向弁, ファスナー製作など. 特に,私たちのR&D Plastic material alone...

PVC Insulated Compound 各種電線・ケーブルの絶縁層

PVC Insulating Compound Insulating layer for various wire and cable PVC Insulating Compound Insulating layer for various wire and cable Ttesting performance Testing Method(DIN) Unite Value Shore A 53 505 95/41 Thermal stability test(HCI) 53381 Minute 200 Heating reduction analysis 160℃/48 hours % -1.8 Tensile strength 23℃ 53504 Nst. 4 MPa 26 Elongation 23℃ 53504 Nst. 4 % 258 14 Days pass/140℃ After aging Tensile strength 23℃ 53504 Nst. 4 メガパスカル 28 Elongation 23℃ 53504 Nst. 4 % 318 10 Days pass/150℃ After aging Tensile strength 23℃ 53504 Nst. 4 メガパスカル 26 Elongation 23℃ 53504 Nst. 4 % 285 80 Days pass/125℃ After aging Tensile strength 23℃ 53504 Nst. 4 メガパスカル 28 Elongation 23℃ 53504 Nst. 4 % 255 Color matching performance according to custmers request Very Good recycled Very Good Application: Sheathing layer for...


Transparent PVC granulum Transparent PVC granulum Product Name Rigid PVC Granules Flexible PVC Granules Denisty(グラム/センチメートル 1.3-1.45 1.1-1.35 Color according to customer request Hardness 85-95A 30-80A Tensile strength 26 メガパスカル 26 Mpa Use:透明ホース,ワイヤーとケーブル,ガーデンホース, medical soft tube.door and window edge sealing strip, refrigerator edge sealing strip, LED neon strip. great fexible ,transparent or other colors oil-resistance, good extrusion, tight section & smooth surface. conductivity and permanent antistatic. ultra-high temperature and ultra-low temperature resistance,- 45 ℃~ 125 ℃ With the strong scientific research strength and research and development experience, our company can customize the special products. our company developed PVC...


透明な PVC ペレット PVC プラスチック ペレットパイプ押出用 PVC ペレット

Transparent PVC Pellet Transparent PVC Pellet or not transparent,非常に成熟した透明PVCペレットがあります ,PVCポリマー材料,オリジナルの高級素材, 研究開発, production capacity Especially,私たちはRの新しいテクノロジーを変革しました & 新しい変性PVCプラスチック製品へのDセンター. さらに,私たちは強力な生産能力と継続的な供給能力を持っています,安定したバッチの製品. 先進的な生産設備と試験設備,私たちは成熟した生産チェーンと人材を持っています. 現在のところ, 年間生産能力は 14000 tons of special...

射出成形品や押出成形品に当社の PVC ペレット原料を選択する理由

why choose our PVC pellets raw material for injection and extruded product We have overcome high technology difficulties of PVC pellets raw material. PVC pellets used in many fields, such as automobile wires and cables,ガーデンホース, medical soft tube, door and window edge sealing strip, refrigerator edge sealing strip, LED neon strip. Our New R & D PVC pellets raw material, 超低温、超高温に強い, 油と加水分解. Super high elasticity,high soft and strong mechanical properties. Our PVC pellets material also...


pvc water hoses low price eco-friendly supply by dongguan china pvc water hoses low price eco-friendly supply by dongguan china hoses intended for water transport in the garden, farms or workshops. Resistant to twisting and bending during the use. 加えて, our hoses are provided with thicker walls comparing to the traditional hoses, which improves comfort of their everyday use. Properties: we developed a special HiTech mixture to manufacture our hoses. High durability,resistance to atmospheric conditions. and for the most high flexibility prevent twisting and bending of hose...


rigid pvc compound plastic raw material rigid pvc compound,PVC,産業部門で最も使用されているプラ​​スチックの 1 つ. We are a dongguan china company located near hong kong. High polymer resin, various additives and auxiliary substances ,used in the production of PVC granules. After these materials metering, gluing, plasticizing and pelletizing processes, PVC granule raw material comes out. we has manufactured PVC granules for 20 年,for hoses,uPvc pipe,edge seal strip etc.the experience accumulated over the years. PVC can be usefully modified by chlorination, which increases...

PVCコンパウンドとは 環境に優しい耐久性のあるPVC原料

what is Pvc compounds Eco-friendly durable Pvc raw material Generally,Pvc compounds is the third most widely produced synthetic plastic polymer following polyethylene and polypropylene. Due to its price, clarity, chemical and UV resistance, natural barrier properties, and low melting temperature. PVC,a good material for many applications. PVC, used in a number of end products where the quality of the final compound is essential to overall product integrity. for example, as insulation for electrical cables, building products, ホース,and medical tubing. 特に,PVC segmented into soft (or flexible)...