Pelet PVC Transparan untuk pelet plastik pvc pipa pelet pvc untuk ekstrusi
Pelet PVC Transparan
Transparent PVC Pellet or not transparent,kami memiliki Pelet PVC Transparan yang sangat matang ,Bahan polimer PVC,bahan berkualitas tinggi dari aslinya, penelitian dan pengembangan, kapasitas produksi
Khususnya,We have transformed the new technology of R & D center into the new modified PVC plastic products.
Lebih-lebih lagi,we has strong production capacity and continuous supply capacity,product in stable batch.
Peralatan produksi yang maju dan peralatan pengujian,we have a mature production chain and human resources.
Saat ini, ini memiliki kapasitas produksi tahunan sebesar 14000 ton plastik PVC modifikasi khusus.
Plastik PVC modifikasi khusus dalam selang medis, kateter medis, trakea medis, tabung lambung medis, masker medis, kawat dan kabel medis, model plastik medis, produk bayi, mainan, sabuk jam tangan pintar, selang penyedot debu, selang bertekanan tinggi, pipa air bertekanan tinggi, high-end LED light belt etc.
Ini telah berhasil menggantikan bahan silika gel yang mahal dan sulit diproses.
Kami telah berhasil mengembangkan serangkaian bahan PVC yang dimodifikasi, yang mempunyai elastisitas sangat baik, fleksibilitas, ketahanan suhu tinggi dan rendah, kekuatan tarik, kekuatan tarik, ketahanan aus dan tahan cuaca dll.
And,it behaves durable,good insulator,good elasticity,anti UV,anti menguning,no poison and tastes, Excellent fire and water resistance etc.
pvc plastic pellets pipe pvc pellet for extrusion
R baru & D PVC, tahan terhadap suhu ultra-rendah dan suhu ultra-tinggi, minyak dan hidrolisis.
Ultra high elasticity and strong mechanical properties.
For injection molding and extrusion processes to produce products with matte surface effect, fine hand feel and smooth texture.Meet the performance of various applications.
Before delivery of PVC particle samples, complete extrusion test and inspection test shall be carried out to ensure that the products are 100% correct.
We have overcome high technical difficulties.
PVC pellets material with ultra-high temperature and ultra-low temperature resistance,- 45 ℃ ~ 125 ℃.
Our developed PVC made product has super soft hand feel, superhigh elasticity and mechanical properties.
and the tensile strength has reached 26 MPa, which has exceeded TPU,Silica gel material.
It also has oil resistance, gasoline and wood oil resistance.scale resistance, high performance more than PMMA, PS, ABS material.
Particularly Our PVC pellets material also has conductivity and permanent antistatic.