
rigid PVC granules anti-aging PVC compounds

عمومًا,rigid PVC granules, one of the most widely used plastics in the world!

It has the bright-colored, خاصية مقاومة للتآكل ودائم.

Especially,Mengyuan often adds some plasticizers, عامل مضاد للشيخوخة,and additively in the process to enhance its heat resistance, صلابة, قابلية التوسع وما إلى ذلك.

لقد نجحنا في تطوير سلسلة من المواد البلاستيكية المعدلة, التي تتمتع بمرونة ممتازة, المرونة, مقاومة درجات الحرارة العالية والمنخفضة.

بجانب,قوة الشد, قوة الشد, wear resistance and weather resistance.

Aging resistance, مقاومة الزيت, المقاومة الكيميائية, مقاومة التآكل, مقاومة الإشعاع الإلكتروني, ozone resistance and other properties.

Mengyuan takes R &D and products as the guide.

From the independent research and development of basic materials of PVC additives.

To the stable production and sales of synthetic special PVC modified plastics.

جميع أنواع حبيبات PVC, مثل جامدة, ناعم, تتوفر ألوان واضحة ومختلفة. They are used in extrusion, injection and so on, for PVC profile, PVC frame, pipe, seal raw material.

We have developed special modified PVC products for customers individually, and has developed mature products to the market.

We have successfully replaced expensive and complex processing silicone materials in many fields,special modified PVC plastics have a very mature application.

such as medical hose, القسطرة الطبية, القصبة الهوائية الطبية, أنبوب المعدة الطبي, قناع طبي, الأسلاك والكابلات الطبية, نموذج من البلاستيك الطبي,ألعاب,خرطوم الضغط العالي.

high-end LED light belt and light strip,doors and windows, refrigerator edge banding ect.

Product packaging and mode of transportation are all fixed.
Package: Usually 25kg net weight in a kraft bag with insider PE bag or other Seaworthy Packing as required.( such as tonnage jumbo bags, carton box and so on.) Customized specification are available.We have strong R&D ability and quality control ability.

All raw material can pass CTI, PONY, اس جي اس, UTS ,يصل, ROHS test reports.

PVC granules Features

We have a complete range of products.You can choose the PVC compound as below:
According to hardness ( Rigid,Semi-rigid,Soft)
According to function (Insulation,Anti-oil,Anti-cold,High temperature resistance,Wear resistant,Low odor and so on.)

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