
Modified Pvc Granules Pvc Edge Strips Description:

Modified Pvc granules are nearing us in daily life.
بلاستيك PVC معدل خاص في خرطوم طبي, القسطرة الطبية, القصبة الهوائية الطبية, أنبوب المعدة الطبي, قناع طبي, الأسلاك والكابلات الطبية, medical plastic model, منتجات الرضع, ألعاب, حزام الساعة الذكية, خرطوم المكنسة الكهربائية, خرطوم الضغط العالي, أنابيب المياه ذات الضغط العالي, حزام إضاءة LED عالي الجودة.

لقد نجح في استبدال مواد هلام السيليكا المعقدة باهظة الثمن والمعالجة.

We have 20 professional engineers in Pvc modified plastic material and more than 40 testing equipment.
Cooperating with the lab of University for many years.All raw material approved SGS,FDA,المفوضية الأوروبية,NP,17ص,REACH etc test reports.

More than 20 years experience in mature PVC polymer materials,under doctoral team of College of polymer science and Engineering in key university,we provide the affordable and high-quality products to everyone.

For customers to save a lot of raw materials and labor costs, creating a very considerable economic value, there are customers to replace the expensive and processing complex silica gel materials.

We has a very mature soft and rigid PVC polymer materials, مواد عالية الجودة من الأصل, البحث والتطوير, السعة الإنتاجية.

Modified Pvc Granules Production

We takes R &D and products as the guide. From the independent research and development of basic materials of PVC additives to the stable production and sales of synthetic special PVC modified plastics.

Especially,We have developed special modified PVC products for customers individually, and has developed mature products to the market.

We has strong production capacity and continuous supply capacity. Advanced production equipment and testing equipment, has a mature production chain and technical resources.

At present, it has an annual production capacity of 14000 tons of special modified PVC plastics.

Modified Pvc Granules Feature:

لقد نجحنا في تطوير سلسلة من المواد البلاستيكية المعدلة, التي تتمتع بمرونة ممتازة, المرونة.

بالإضافة إلى,مقاومة درجات الحرارة العالية والمنخفضة, قوة الشد, قوة الشد, wear resistance and weather resistance.
Aging resistance, oil resistance, chemical resistance, corrosion resistance, electronic radiation resistance, ozone resistance and other properties.

We offered Pvc material all have approved ISO,بنفايات,يصل,SGS NP environmental friendly certificates.

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